Tuesday, July 08, 2008

"I Think I Just Threw Up in My Mouth a Little"

Me too...right after you just said that.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Newspaper Editorial Cartoons...

Providing joy and pleasure to no one, editorial cartoons simply exist in a perpetual dead zone, taking up space, possibly filling a couple of seconds as you skip between articles (if you still read newspapers, that is).

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Gilmore Girls Comedy Technique # 107

Have character freak out over an inconsequential matter in an excessively cute way...


Female Character 1: Calm down!

Female Character 2: How can I calm down? Why are you telling me to calm down? Calming down is a theoretical impossibility. In fact, you might say I'm freaking out. I'm doing the opposite of calming down! See! See! Look at me! Look at me! Not calm! Not Calm!
We are out of artificial sweetners! Do you understand? Can you possibly understand how important that is?

Female Character 1: I never realized.

Female Character 2: Yeah, uh huh.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christopher Walken acting Weird

Monday, October 15, 2007

Old People Using "Hip" Slang

Old Woman: "Don't be a beyotch!"

Cue laugh track

Kids: "Oh Grandma!"

Old Woman (lighting a joint): "Later, skaters...I gotta drop a deuce."

Cue loud cheers from audience

Sunday, October 14, 2007

"Tell us how you really feel!"

Ok...I really feel that underneath the surface you're a Caspar Milquetoast type (i.e. "a timid, unassertive, spineless person") who gets uncomfortable when someone expresses a strong opinion. I really feel that you're using bullshit, ironic water-cooler humor to mask the fact that you're a souless pussy

Monday, September 17, 2007

Someone Laughing Maniacly, coughing, pausing, then laughing maniacly again

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